I'm disconnected at home from the world this weekend. My FIOS line came down, literally. It was hanging in front of my carport when I got home from work Friday. So I have no internet or TV at home. This would be catastrophic it it weren't for the fact that there's a Dunkin Donuts less than 5 minutes from my house. Open 24 hours and has free wifi. So, I've been up here a couple times today to catch up and see what's going on in my life.

Really, I could have stayed home....there isn't a whole lot going on in my life.

But, anyway, here I sit this evening, hanging out in the DD so I can delete 30 spam emails promising to make various parts of my body bigger or smaller as the case may be. What I find interesting is I'm not the only one hangout with their laptop. I know why I'm here.....its a temporary condition for me. Trust me, I'd rather be surfing the web in the comfort of my couch with something mindless on TV instead of sitting on this really hard chair, listening to Musak and and noisy obnoxious children. But why are these other people here. Do they live in some bizarre dead zone where there's no internet service? Is this their only social life? Do they think of the DD staff as family? Maybe they're secret shoppers spying on the workers.

Or I suppose their internet could be down at home.
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Life has been having its ups and downs lately. We'll skip the downs because that's just how I deal with them....ignore them and they eventually go away.

I'm still waiting to hear if the agency is going to approve my classes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Now that I've finally found the online degree program I want it would totally suck to not be able to take the classes! I haven't figured out how long it would take me to finish the degree. Some things take a little time to build up the courage to do. But I do figure I can complete the certificate part in a year. Who needs a life anyway. Oh, and for those just tuning in the degree I'm looking at is Evironmental Management and Occupational Health and Safety with a minor in Homeland Security.

Work is starting to ramp up as we get closer to the end of FY09 and the beginning of FY10. There's a rush to spend the last of the 09 budget monies and gearing up to start spending the 10 monies. For me this means a push right now to get a bunch of smaller abatement jobs done before 9/30 and the planning and preparing for a whole bunch of large projects due to start in October. 2010 is looking to be a very busy one for hazmat.

The house keeps me busy on weekends. I'm starting to plan some of the renovation work. I should be getting new steps off the kitchen this coming week. Yay for wonderful friends who do home renovation for a living!!! I think the kitchen will come after that. I've been convinced to strip and restain the cabinets instead of painting them. Haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with the counters. The design is done for the conversion of the roll top into a cabinet. Its not going to be exactly cheap or quick but that's ok. I'll end up with something my grandfather made but in a form that is actually useful to me. I think he'd approve.

I have about 4 hours to decide if I want to make a spur of the moment trip to Mass for the weekend. An old high school friend is there and has invited me up. Its my three day weekend so I'm seriously considering it. Would be good to get out of town for a couple days.

Been scoping out Craigslist recently in the search for an embroidary machine. Wow, even used they're expensive. Might just have to wait on that one.

Ok, enough rambling for now.
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