Yesterday I went with some girl friends to a Korean bath house. Not a place I've ever been so I was looking forward to it. I have to tell you, it was fabulous! The Bade pool is like the ultimate jacuzzi. Its this big pool with all these areas of water jets around the edge of it. Each area focuses on a different area of the body and muscle set.

I suppose I should mention one little detail about the Bade pool before anyone rushes out to find their nearest Korean bath house. There are two Bade pool for men and one for women. The reason for this is because clothing isn't allowed in the pools. So, if you have any kind of hang ups about being naked around your own gender, this probably isn't for you. It really wasn't a big deal. You don't notice being naked when everyone is naked. No one paid any attention and no one cared about less than perfect bodies. I mean, lets get real, I'm shaped like the Cheshire Cat!

I have to say my favourite area in the pool was the overhead jet. It was wonderous as it pounded down on my neck and shoulders. We spent time in the Bade pool, rotating around through the various jets and then moved over to the hot tub. From there we stood in the cold tub for a few minutes to cool down. After being the hot tub it was way too cold to actually sit in! Then we repeated the whole cycle again. Wash, rinse, repeat.

It was fascinating seeing the mothers there with their daughters. Very cool to see girls being raised to not be ashamed or embarrassed by their bodies or finding nude women to be something odd.

From the Bade pool we put on the shorts and t-shirts they provided and made our way to the Poultice Rooms. This is the unisex area of the spa. There's a large open room that had families relaxing on mats on the floor and a snack bar area. Along one wall are the Poultice Rooms. Each room is a sauna made up of different minerals and such which is supposed to help pull the icky stuff from your body. I kept looking for the anti-fat room but I think they keep that hidden in the super secret area. We started in the red clay ball room. Picture a ball pit but filled with tiny hard clay balls instead of plastic play balls! You lay down on the balls, kinda sinking in to them. The heat from the balls feels great I have to admit but I didn't really care for the room because it freaking hurt walking on the little balls to get in and out!!! Next time I think I'll skip that room. Walking on marbles is not a good look for me. We also went into I think it was the salt room. It wasn't bad at all. My favourite room though was the cold room. It was literally like sitting inside a freezer, though, because I was hot from the other rooms it felt fabulous. I could have probably spent hours in there.

There were two rooms that made me seriously wonder about the sanity of people. One was kept at 156 degrees and the other was at 180 degrees. HELLO!!! I'm not trying to end up as a piece of beef jerky!

In the snack bar area they have these most OMG wonderful chairs that just seem to suck your butt right in. I have got to find out where they got these. I need a couple of them in my house. Then all I have to do is train the cat to do all the housework because I'd never leave the chair.

This was definitely an experience to repeat, totally worth the hour drive! Even worth driving in Virginia!

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Sometimes I wonder if I'm speaking a foreign language. It never ceases to amaze me what kinds of responses I get to emails I send at work. Now I work in a place where you'd think there'd be an extremely large number of highly educated people. You'd never know it though by the emails I get.

I sent this email today to someone.:
"We expect to open Deck 33 back up this coming Wednesday morning."

This is what their response to me was:
"Will deck 33 be open tomorrow (7/17)?"

You know, I didn't even know how to respond to this. The nature of our clients precludes me from just asking the person if they're a moron which is what my first reaction is. Ok, so my first reaction really was to just shoot them in an attempt to clean out the gene pool....but the moron thing was an immediate second. Honest.

I did respond though and I think I managed to answer their question while subtly calling them a moron:
"I'm sorry I was unclear.
We expect to open Deck 33 back up this coming Wednesday morning."

They didn't respond back.....maybe my second email was clearer than the first one. Heh.

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I replaced the ceiling fan/light in my living room yesterday. A friend came over to help with the electrical wiring from the house wires to the fan. I'm smart enough to know where my limits are not to mention the Don Ho look just doesn't work for me. If you're too young to know who Don Ho is, well, I have nothing more to say to you. (I'm just kidding, I think) Anyway, after my friend got the wiring done and was leaving the last thing he told me was not to forget to remove the rubber stops that keep the fan from rotating.

I got all the rest of the fan and light hung and hooked up, turned
the breaker back on and turned on the light. Success!! The light came one! I was so excited. Next was the fan. I pull the chain and...nothing. I pull the chain again just to be sure...still nothing. Hmmm...I pull it one more time because third time is a charm after all, right? Wrong. The fan isn't fanning anything. The lovely black blades are just sitting there mocking me. I text my friend to let him know the fan isn't working in the hopes he has some magical knowledge. Sitting down on the couch in defeat I stare up at the stubborn fan and notice this black thing sticking out from between the fan blades. Oh.......yeah........ummmmm, wonder if that's one of those rubber stops he told me to remove that I didn't. I climb back up on the ladder and read the label stuck to one of them. In big letters it tells me to remove before operating. I go around and pull all the stops out and then try turning on the fan again. Guess what!?! The fan worked!

Yeah, I am such a dork at times.

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I suppose I should say something incredibly profound in my first post....



Ok, I've worked all day and its after 9 at night. Profound isn't coming. You'll just have to settle for random babbling.

If you don't know me, I'm a middle-aged, happily divorced lady without kids. I work in HAZMAT (that's alphabet-speak for Hazardous Materials) for the government. The things I encounter on my job, well, trust me, you won't believe some of them. I just bought a house 2 1/2 months ago so you can join me in my adventures of home remodeling and repair.

Oh, and I guess I should warn you I tend to be just a bit sarcastic. No.....really.......its true.