Sometimes I wonder if I'm speaking a foreign language. It never ceases to amaze me what kinds of responses I get to emails I send at work. Now I work in a place where you'd think there'd be an extremely large number of highly educated people. You'd never know it though by the emails I get.

I sent this email today to someone.:
"We expect to open Deck 33 back up this coming Wednesday morning."

This is what their response to me was:
"Will deck 33 be open tomorrow (7/17)?"

You know, I didn't even know how to respond to this. The nature of our clients precludes me from just asking the person if they're a moron which is what my first reaction is. Ok, so my first reaction really was to just shoot them in an attempt to clean out the gene pool....but the moron thing was an immediate second. Honest.

I did respond though and I think I managed to answer their question while subtly calling them a moron:
"I'm sorry I was unclear.
We expect to open Deck 33 back up this coming Wednesday morning."

They didn't respond back.....maybe my second email was clearer than the first one. Heh.

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