I'm following 7 steps to achieve financial freedom.  This works very well for me because I'm a planner but I had no idea what I SHOULD be doing to fix my finances.  What was the fastest/best way to pay off the debt?  What about savings?  What about retirement?  How do I make sure I'll be ready to quit working when I want to?  The 7 baby steps outlined what to do in what order and how to do it.  So I think starting out with a brief description of the 7 steps is a good place to start.  I'll go into detail for each step in separate posts.

Step #1 - Save $1000 into an Emergency Fund. 
Step #2 - Pay off debt using a debt snowball. 
Step #3 - Three to six months of living expenses in savings.
Step #4 - Invest 15% of household income into Roth IRA's and pre-tax retirement.
Step #5 - Save for college for children (If this is a goal for you.)
Step #6 - Pay off house (If you have one)
Step #7 - Build your wealth!

So there you have it, my secret financial formula. Ok, so maybe its not really so secret.  Ask any questions you might have.  I truly love talking about this stuff.  And for those who like to keep tabs, I am currently on Step #3.  Because of what my future plans are I'm aiming for the 6 months of living expenses.  That's part of what I need to do now....redo my budget so I can see when I will have that in place.  Please feel free to ask me about my progress if you're interested.  It will help hold me accountable to doing what I need to do.
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2 Responses
  1. Life of Joy Says:

    I think your #5 should read- Invest for nephew and nieces college tuition.

  2. Becky Says:

    I can assure you, #5 does not exist in my world. :P My niece and nephew have plenty of time to start saving for their own college!

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