First let me say if you don't like my opinion that's ok. Odds are that means I don't like yours either! And that's ok too. This is something that seriously pisses me off though.
When did illegal become ok? Seriously.
I am so freaking sick of this whole illegal alien drama. I don't see what is so complicated about this whole thing. Last I checked the definition of illegal hadn't changed. Illegal means unlawful, are breaking the law. You are a criminal. And since you aren't a citizen of this county you really aren't entitled to all the rights afforded us by our constitution. And I really don't know who the hell you think you are to feel you deserve anything via my tax dollars.
Don't get all outraged when we say we're going to arrest you, its just what we do to criminals. And threatening to leave if we pass laws you don't like??? DUDE!! Let me help you pack!!! If you want to come back legally, be self-sufficient and obey our laws I will welcome you with open arms.
Heck if being illegal is ok then why do we have ANYONE in jail???
When did illegal become ok? Seriously.
I am so freaking sick of this whole illegal alien drama. I don't see what is so complicated about this whole thing. Last I checked the definition of illegal hadn't changed. Illegal means unlawful, are breaking the law. You are a criminal. And since you aren't a citizen of this county you really aren't entitled to all the rights afforded us by our constitution. And I really don't know who the hell you think you are to feel you deserve anything via my tax dollars.
Don't get all outraged when we say we're going to arrest you, its just what we do to criminals. And threatening to leave if we pass laws you don't like??? DUDE!! Let me help you pack!!! If you want to come back legally, be self-sufficient and obey our laws I will welcome you with open arms.
Heck if being illegal is ok then why do we have ANYONE in jail???
Well stated. I hate to put political lables on people, but sometimes you have to...these exteme liberals...back in the day they called then "bleeding hearts" seem to be doing anything and everything thing they caan to change "AMERICA" to suit them and to make our country loike every other fucked up radical anti freedom democracy in the world. But this is not a democracy here! Thank God, we are a REPUBLIC. Which means the rule of law, and as such Congress needs to be bond by the same laws we are and enforce our "legal" "constitutional" laws. I am sick and tired of the special interest groups, like Congress, and the prez, and the big bidness, getting away with whatever they want and chastizing us thePEOPLE, for standing up for our RIGHTS, and demanding that they uphold,and defend what they swore an Oath to do ! I sorta got off on a slight tangent but I think you get the picture, and it wasn't really all that far off anyway
If you ever say Blazing Saddles, one of the funniest lines in the movie follows Cleavon Little offering the help of the railroad workers if they can get land for their own in Rockridge. The answer is, "We'll take the Niggers and the Chinks, but not the Irish."
It's been a long while, but many of the East Coast and Midwestern cities sported, "No Irish," sings in all sorts of establishments.
In that it's hard to tell Irish from general British stock, it's hard to remember that there was a time like that. (OK, too far to remember, but it's family history) Oh, and the Irish were Catholic too.
Marco Rubio, the Republican candidate for the Senate from Florida, spoke about how he's very uncomfortable with the Arizona law. His parents are Cuban, often hard to to tell from Mexicans.
One can understand the frustration of Arizonans, but it's easier to be understanding if you're blonde or a red head with pale skin than if you know that any pass through the state might result in you being detained if you don't have proof of citizenship on you.
The Law, in it's wisdom, prohibits both the rich and the poor from sleeping under bridges.
A person's skin colour, hair colour, nationality or racial history shouldn't be an excuse for breaking the law. Illegal is illegal. When I lived in other countries I was expected to be there legally and to abide by their laws. What's the big deal about having to show proof of citizenship? I'm required all the time to show my drivers license as proof of who I am. I can't even get on an airplane to fly from one state to another in the country I'm a citizen of without showing proof of who I am. I fail to understand why people from other countries feel they should not be subject to the same...if not more....scrutiny as me.