I have great intentions of updating, honestly I do.  But you know how life goes.  You get super busy and other, more important things eat up your time.  Or it could be you just forget and end up playing WoW instead.  Not saying that's the case with me.....but it is a potential scenario.

So what has happened since I last updated?  Well, the month of February was pretty much consumed with back-to-back blizzards.  I was, very literally, snowed in for 2 weeks.  Sure, I could drive my car to the end of my driveway but then that 3+ foot of snow that used to be my street kept stopping me.  You might think that because I live at the airport's long term parking my street would be at the top of the list to get plowed.  Not so much though.  Seems neither the airport....or the city....considers my road all that important at all.  I think the only thing that gets plowed after my street is....well, nothing.  I'm pretty sure I live on the last road in the county to see snow plows.  The house and I survived the storms mostly intact.  There was a small leak in my bow window where the gutter froze and backed up.  My carport roof now has two leaks in it that I need to get fixed.  Oh, and the flat roof section on the Shed O'Doom collapsed.  I am pretty irritated by that.  I wanted the WHOLE shed to the effort of tearing it down.  Honestly, that pretty much sums up the high points of February.

Not a whole lot has been going on this last month.  I'm starting to work on my yard which has been declared a national disaster area I think.  Between the storms, a grub infestation and a burrowing-critters-going-after-the-grubs infestation, my lawn is pretty well destroyed.  So this year I'm focusing on killing the grubs which should theoretically cause the burrowing critters to move elsewhere and tearing out all the ugly bushes around the house.  I got all the holly trees that were clumped at the corner of my house cut down so the dogwood that was hidden in the midst of them can now breath free.  I also need to seriously pressure wash the house.

Other than that, its been insanely busy at work.  And I mean more insane than normal.  Who keeps bringing all this hazmat into my buildings???

Oh, I'm going to attempt canning in a couple weeks.  Gonna do tomato sauce.  So we'll see how that goes.  I'll keep you posted.  No, seriously.....I will.
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